
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Walk for a different cure...

My cousin Stacie:

Library - 1399

who deserves much sympathy, as she is married to this:

Fenway Aug 2008

Stacie provided a MUCH better shot of them, with the kiddos included. How cute are they??

   Stacie has entered a walk-a-thon- type fundraiser for Huntington's Disease. Lots of info explained in a nice, concise manner can be found here.
Please donate to fund, if not a cure, at least some research into some treatment.

I know some of you have kids who have begun school already. We start on the 2nd, next Tuesday. I have just experienced a 'lightbulb moment'. 

I DO NOT have to have all of the kids fall clothes hung and pressed BY THE 2nd! They will be wearing Summer clothes (though not shorts...I don't think shorts should be worn to school unless they're Bermuda shorts), through most of September, right?

So, there are some too small clothes that need to be culled out for donations, and new socks and undies to be put away, but the rest of it? The sweaters, the corduroys? Faggeddaboutit!!

My week just improved immensely. 


  1. Thanks for the plug and the donation. Steve was quite disturbed with the picture you used.

  2. Two of my kids started school on Monday, and one will start next week. I have not purchased any fall clothes for them, nor have I sorted their existing wardrobes. Guess what? It's not affecting their education at all. Kick them out the door and enjoy!
