
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Oh, the joy of a bucket of crabs!
It's a great ending to any day when Hubby calls on the radio, meet me at the dock...I've got something for you...
and all the lobstermen snicker....and then they realize it's me he's talking to, and know what a crab fanatic I am, and know it has nothing to do with anything to snicker about...
And I go get a bucket of crabbies!
Sometimes it's shrimp, rarer still, lobster.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, all the fishermen would bring me Sea Bass if they happened to catch one that day. It was my favorite thing about being pregnant! That was 8 years ago; I guess nobody fishes for them anymore, I haven't seen one in a long, long time.

OK, back to knitting  EVIL, ahem, I mean, wicked....
Still frigging around the armpits. I took it off the needles and decided it was too 'short'. Yet another thing to dislike about this stripe pattern. I wanted the sleeves to be dark purple like the collar, but because it's too short, I'll need to do another stripe...making the sleeve fall in the lightest color. It's the color I wanted to leave out in the first place. UGH.
The other alternative is to do the sleeves in the dark purple anyway, and not have them match the stripe on the body of the sweater (which is probably what I'll do, as I really don't like that light color...)
There will be no photographic evidence of this beast until it is completed.
Don't  ask again.

In other news, I cannot find the pattern I used for my first socks. I either left it at the hotel over vacation, or threw it out with the huge stack of mail I went through when we got home. Either way, it sucks. I was so gonna do socks last night, but had to play with Evil.
Maybe it's for the best.
hehe, drool on, Michele!

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