
Saturday, April 18, 2009

So, What do you DO all day? Make Websites.

     I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this question.

And it makes my hair stand on end.

Sadly, the very last time the question was proposed, it was from a fellow islander.
Who has lived here for...don't quote me, but I think it's 3 years.
Maybe it's just two.

Me, I've been learning a few new tricks.

Here's my latest:

and the one before that:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sit on my butt for a week, and knit something if it kills me.



  1. Your websites look great. I wish I could visit.

  2. OHHHHH Have fun knitting for the week!!!

  3. I agree! Those websites are awesome and we really do want to move there and become your neighbour only because Thing Two can show me how to use chopsticks and we really like lobster.
