Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I did it!
Could I BE more excited about this? Is it a little weird to BE SO EXCITED about this?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I'm on vacaaaaaaatiooooooon!
Well, we made it to the mainland, but had to 'jump ship' (meaning the island) a day early because of the weather. Made for some interesting packing/planning. I may have to buy underwear, not sure what any of us has for clothes...
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Waiting for a big storm.
Well, the weathermen are all tweaky with excitement over this HUGE storm coming in tonight...which means we'll likely see an inch or two on the ground tomorrow. I wonder if they have to meet statistics to keep their jobs? Like, they have to be right a certain percentage of the time?
Caught in the act!
We all have them. The days when you wake up and just know there will not be a single productive minute to account for at the end of the day. Mine was today. I woke up feeling...just miserable. In fact, I went to bed feeling miserable-enough to make a deal with hubby to get up with the kids and get them off to school. He did it, too, and I stayed in bed until.....wait for it....8:45.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happiness is
...when the ferry boat actually makes it to the island, despite snow and high winds, and brings GROCERIES! It also brought a reporter from the Bar Harbor Times who is doing a story about the grocery delivery project,( EEK reporter issues), but I was the post office employee today, so thankfully I wasn't interviewed. Some days I just love my job! Especially when it gets me out of speaking to a reporter, as I will inevitably say something ridiculous or extremely embarrassing; such as the time I mentioned my resistance to get on the boat in all but the fairest weather, which has since been broadcast all over the country so when people meet me they say, "Oh, you're that one who lives on an island and is afraid to ever get on the boat! How could you be afraid of the water?!? Why do you live out here?" (Sigh, it's not ALL the time, just really rough weather.)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Today is the day!
It's the blog's first day. And of course, absolutely nothing happened today, except a half -assed snowstorm. Even that was uneventful and not exciting...a mere 2 inches that melted as quickly as it came.